Recompile CoolPicker for Max2009?

This awesome color picker was originally written by Daniel Rind, then improved/updated by Chris Johnson.

Last version is for Max 8/9 though, and I don’t have Visual Studio 2005 to recompile it with (nor the necessary chops). Maybe someone here could help?

Source is here:

I also talked with Chris about porting this to Photoshop since the color picker there sucks so bad. Unfortunately the adobe SDK is hard to come by, but maybe someone here would love to tackle this? I know Adobe has integrated Kuhler across the CS line, but that’s not really as helpful for texture painters as a picker palette would be.

A couple more screens, first one was the TRIS picker. This one is the PLANE picker…

And here’s the MIXER…

Left-click paints with the current color, right-click smears painted colors together, and middle-click eyedrops a color. Very useful for mixing, a nice digital equivalent to a traditional painter’s palette.

Sorry for OT, but I totally hate this color picker. I very much loved the Lesha VH’s Color Picker, but unfortunately, it only got a 32bit recompile, not the x64 :frowning: so I’m stuck with the standard one, which sucks real bad, but I couldn’t stand this Color Picker anyways.

Huh. I like having a wheel better. Lesha’s has palette slots, kind of nice though.