[Python] problem with hasattr

I am stumped by something that should be easy. I am trying to determine if a class has a specific property using hasattr, but it is always returning False. Manually trying to getattr yields a strange exception.

class Test(object):
    def create(cls, **kwargs):
        newCls = cls()

        if kwargs:
            for arg, value in kwargs.iteritems():

                if hasattr(newCls, arg): # always returns False
                    print 'Found property:', arg

                if arg in dir(newCls): # this works
                    print 'Found property in dir', arg

                if hasattr(newCls, 'myProperty'): # hardcoding the string also works
                    print 'myProperty exists on', newCls

                try: # this does not work, raises a list index out of range error....?
                    getattr(newCls, arg)

                except Exception as e:
                    print e.args[0] # returns: list index out of range

        return newCls

I am stumped… :confused:

EDIT: My problem is a syntax error with the property itself, nothing to do with hasattr.