Hidden/Undocumented Features in DCC's and Tools

After responding to a post this morning, I realized that there alot of undocumented or partly documented features.
Is it just bad documentation? or more than likely are they just features that are not entirely stable. Little signs of what is to come!
As far as I can see there are only a few posts on these little gems.

The Perforce Attributes thread by Adam Pletcher was partially good for adding meta data to assets in Perforce.

For Example:

[li] [MAX] addflow4.ocx in the Max root can be used as a control in your dialog for flow charting.[/li][/ul]

[li] [MAYA] /docs/Maya2009/en_US/API/flip_u_v_cmd_8cpp-example.html contains undocumented function calls “getUvShellsIds” on MFnMesh.[/li][/ul]
I’m sure there are heaps of sweet bits in these sour warhead lolly programs. :wink:
