Cinematic Facial Rig for UDK/CryEngine

Blah. Found it. There’s an “Animation Compression” heading on the menu bar. You check Animation Compression settings and press “Apply to Set”.

Amazing. I hadn’t needed too fix that problem yet. But now i’ll know. Thanks :slight_smile:

In 2007 we shipped Crysis with ~98 facial blendshapes per character. We also had shapes/maps driven by joint animation or poses, and all these shapes/joints are compounded together in non-linear ‘expressions’. You can check this out in ‘Facial Editor’ inside CryENGINE.

It’s a bit daunting, we have a complete FACs set mapped to phonemes, those phonemes mapped to visimes, and mapped to user-created joystick controls. Those joysticks can be driven by parsing text files, wav audio, and webcam video for a pretty good initial performance.

Hey Chris,

I actually looked a tiny bit into the Facial Editor, so i knew about the joystick feature, but I had no idea that you shipped Crysis with ~98 facial blendshapes per character!

That’s interesting that it can parse webcam videos…Looks like a really cool system I’d like to get a chance to work with!

Thanks for the info!