[Maya 2016] Python Workspace Query bug?

While Developing a script for python, I tried to use the workspace query function, only for it to reject a string argument. According to the official documentation, this shouldn’t happen, and the MEL equivalent gives the desired result. I even tested the example code on Autodesk’s site and had this error. Anyone else have this problem?

exPath = cmds.workspace(query = True, fileRuleEntry = ‘FBX’)

Error: line 1: TypeError: file line 1: Flag ‘fileRuleEntry’ must be passed a boolean argument when query flag is set


exPath = cmds.workspace('FBX', query = True, fileRuleEntry = True)

My quick test returned an empty string for 'FBX' and 'scripts' for 'mel'.

That seems to be the proper syntax: I don’t know why it’s not listed as such on the doc. I’m now getting the path of the fileRule returned. Thank you very much.