Studio Art Pipeline Tools Question

Having previously worked as a Technical Artist, I was hired an moved into a Software Engineering position that focuses heavily on DevOps. Over the years I have learned to use tools such as Docker, Ansible, Jenkins, etc. Moreover, I have currently been working with Kubernetes and AWS. I try my best after work to contribute back to TA.

Does anyone use cloud/containerization or configuration management tools for Technical Art? Just curious…

I think there is another discussion somewhere else too.

However most teams seem to be constrained by the difficulty of running gui apps off a container

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I’ve been using AWS EC2 opportunistically for burst rendering (cinematics, broadcast graphics) and some data scraping. In general, I like to move any lengthy process off a users desktop and to a server, though our current pipeline doesn’t have too many bottlenecks of that nature. I’m slowly learning more about the DevOps way of doing things, and I have to admit, I love the approach.

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I believe we’ve been using some AWS stuff for our tools, text-to-speech comes to mind.

I’m still interested in the idea of being able to containerize application / project environments, but the support just doesn’t seem to exist for windows’ GUI applications.

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Thanks for the reply!

Strangely enough when I moved to “DevOps”, it felt like a logical jump from the Tech-Art - Pipeline work I was doing. for instance, using tools like RabbitMQ / Celery I looked at creating a full microservice pipeline where each service performs one action (baking, QC, etc) which was deployed with Ansible. I guess the difference is that we had a large pool of assets in our database (small art team).

The first tool I built using Docker was a web app that showed metadata from FBX assets stored in S3.
I am still very interested in how this evolves. The amount of variety in Technical Art is always exciting.

Yeah – I think it’s basically “Docker works for machines and developers, for artists you need to install and config software”

Disk images are a pretty common solution, though they decay fast