Greets all, Bungie was cool enough to post up David Hunt’s GDC Presentation on Modular Procedural Rigging.
As if the content crammed pptx ( wow) wasn’t enuff…
was there any audio recorded?
Great stuff Seth, some excellent tools there… Here’s hoping someone video’d the talk.
Thanks a lot Seth and David! This was one of the sessions I was sad to have missed so great to have the online content. Much appreciated!
Seth, David, Hey guys, wow I am glad that you were able to share that. I had wanted to talk to you more about it when I was at Bungie but there is never enough time to geek out over rigging craziness. I was really impressed at the time how slick things were in the rig and getting to see it all in action is even better.
Just wondering, how many of you guys are useing a similar meta-data approach to your characters? I think LucasArts is, who else?
this is crazy similar to the system we have here (and some bits similar to our improvement-plans), minus the dealing with any game restrictions anyway.
great to see this info shared!
Nice presentation! After the pains I felt on my previous project we developed a weapon manager very similar to your weapon rig tool. For our last project it was a huge time saver and helped prevent many errors as a result. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice preso, would love to get audio aswell…
Amazing how we all face the exact same difficulties, our pipeline here at DICE is very similar. Modular rigging FTW!
Was there any audio in the mov files?
No, the vids were just short demo clips of some of the toosl and processes we put together, no audio.
Very happy to see this, thank you Seth and David for getting it together and posted up for us!
Ok. I got confused because one of the movs had audio.
I just bought the mp3 from the GDC vault:
Listened twice yesterday
Amazing presentation!
Thanks David for the presentation and Seth for posting the slides/movs!
Hey, just a quick thankyou post, word man! Thanks to all who made this available! Truly and invaluable resource. Is it the same thing as was on the Bungie website for a while now? I worked on the facial for Reach, I knew by looking at the setup that these guys really know what they’re doing. Inspirational.
Yeah it’s the same paper that was under the publications section. We/they are using a similar system on Halo 4 with a much better code interface, good stuff.