Scale Issues (Game Rig)


So in some game engines (unity, UE4?) Maya’s bone segment scale compensate isn’t supported.

So obviously you can untick it, but the issue then is how best to proceed with the rig and the animation?

  1. For example you may have a stretchy IK leg using scale on the upper leg bone.
    a. This is fine for the upper and lower leg, but when you get to the foot you no longer want this scale.
    b. So what I want is to replicate the segment scale compensate?
    c. But this isn’t as simple as just putting the inverse scale on the next bone down? You need to apply the inverse scale in the same local space as the bone above?

  2. You can unparent all the bones?
    a. But this won’t give acceptable results in-game. Especially sub-frame and when heavily compressed?

Anyway, just wondering if anyone had run into this issue themselves and had any thoughts on the matter?


Joint scaling works in unreal… its not supported in unity…

I’ve tested this with a ‘squash n stretch’ rig with variable scaling across a 5 joint chain and it works perfectly in unreal… I had to break the hierarchy in unity to get this to work…

Oh thanks for testing.

Potentially not really a deal breaker for me if UE4 supports scale compensate.

So now just an academic question :slight_smile:

chur bro…

for whats its worth you can do a mixed rig with borked hierarchy for unity

Spine would be the red line…