[Maya MEL] Queried command not working (but no error/warning errors either)


I have this simple tool that shifts all keyframes. When I run in the script editor, it does not produce error or warning line but the button does not work either.

The remBet() and the addBet() works manually. So I guess the offending procedure is

button -l “-” -w 45 -c (“remBet(” + $customFrames + “)”);
button -l “+” -w 45 -c (“addBet(” + $customFrames + “)”);

The problem is when I use a print command to troubleshoot, all seems good. But again, it does not do anything.

Is there a way around this? Thank you for looking at the problem.

if (`window -exists btRU`){
    deleteUI -window btRU;

window -title "And/Remove Inbetween" 
       -wh 300 100
       -rtf false

columnLayout -adj 1 mainC;

rowColumnLayout -nc 4
text -l "Custom Frames " -al "right";
intField -v 0 -w 100 -min 0 cFrames;
$customFrames = `intField -q -v cFrames`;
button -l "-" -w 45 -c ("remBet(" + $customFrames + ")");
button -l "+" -w 45 -c ("addBet(" + $customFrames + ")");
setParent mainC;


//int $addNumber;

global proc addBet (int $addNumber) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $addNumber; ++$i) {
        timeSliderEditKeys addInbetween;

//int $remNumber;

global proc remBet (int $remNumber) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $remNumber; ++$i) {
        timeSliderEditKeys removeInbetween;

$customFrames Is set to 0 all the time. I changed the code a bit to move the query of cFrames into the procedures.

if (`window -exists btRU`){
    deleteUI -window btRU;

window -title "And/Remove Inbetween" 
       -wh 300 100
       -rtf false

columnLayout -adj 1 mainC;

rowColumnLayout -nc 4
text -l "Custom Frames " -al "right";
intField -v 0 -w 100 -min 0 cFrames;

// This only gets set once to 0 it being the initial value of cFrames
// $customFrames = `intField -q -v cFrames`;

button -l "-" -w 45 -c ("remBet()");
button -l "+" -w 45 -c ("addBet()");

setParent mainC;

proc addBet () {
    int $addNumber = `intField -q -v cFrames`;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $addNumber; ++$i) {
        timeSliderEditKeys addInbetween;

proc remBet () {
    int $remNumber = `intField -q -v cFrames`;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $remNumber; ++$i) {
        timeSliderEditKeys removeInbetween;

Hope this helps.

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Works as expected mate. Thank you!