Open Source Publishing Development

congrats on the progress!
I’m currently working on a service based pipeline backend, based on hypermedia and (hopefully) fully RESTful architecture, so your progress and experience has been very inspiring.

Thanks Robert, your input has been a big part in its success!

Installing Pyblish - Live, right now!

If you’re curious about how to get setup with Pyblish, follow the conversation on Gitter to find out. We’re going through installing Pyblish into an enterprise game development environment.

Live session is done!

The fruits of our labour can be found here:

Hi folks,

A new topic has surfaced that I’d like your opinion of; Event-Driven Processing.

In a nutshell, rather than having a pre-defined order of execution (Selection, Validation, Extraction and then Conform), would it be possible to allow for plug-ins to attach themselves, or “subscribe”, to events occurring during a publish? For example; once naming convention has been validated, log a message in the database and then move on to scene export.

In other news, we’re currently working on integrations for games, film and commercial productions in the Gitter. Keep an eye on that if you’re into Pyblish or just pipeline talk in general!


Library Consolidation

All libraries have not moved into a common organisation, this means the chat has a new address.

There will now also be a repository with a combination of all latest and compatible plug-ins called “Pyblish Suite”.

The Suite will have a single installation for all packages at once, and help users ensure that all libraries are at versions that work together. It’ll also act as hub for integration tests, general issue tracking and Wiki.

GUI Update

Pyblish QML has also seen an update.

See you in the chat. :slight_smile:

I browsed the code but couldn’t get a definitive answer. How are you (if at all) getting the qt5 window inside of maya? Does it just work as before with the handle id?

Hey TheMaxx,

That GUI is running external to Maya and communicates via IPC; a RESTful interface is exposed from within Maya via Flask that Maya and the GUI is talking through.

There’s some more info on it here:

Does it just work as before with the handle id?

Which handle id was this?

Getting the window handle from maya and casting as a qwidget:

ptr = apiUI.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
parent = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtCore.QWidget)

win = QtGui.QMainWindow(parent)

I was curious if pyqt5 (python3 and qt5) would even be feasible for maya

I was curious if pyqt5 (python3 and qt5) would even be feasible for maya

I’d say yes, it is, but IPC is not for everyone, it does come at a price.

Qt 5 is available for 2.7 by the way.

Forums, Installer and upcoming Website

Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

Have been eyeballing Pyblish?
Are you interested but haven’t found the right spot to jump in?
If so, then I’d recommend jumping into the Pyblish forums for Pyblish Magenta:

Marcus is setting up a small project for the coming few weeks to define a barebones/minimalistic pipeline using Pyblish.
If you’re able to jump in now (maybe even just comment with some pipeline definitions of your own) we can ensure a good testcase is there even for those who don’t have time to jump in just yet.

I tried the script on Windows but it doesn’t seem to be able to generate any bat files?

See here for installation instructions on Windows.